The mission of this Congregation shall be to give all glory and honor to God. To do so, we are dependent upon and enabled by God’s grace given to us in His Word and Sacraments and the power of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we will provide and maintain a regular public ministry of the Gospel with the regular preaching of God’s Holy Word and the proper administration of the Holy Sacraments according to Christ’s institution, and the best possible Christian instruction according to confessional standard of the Evangelical Lutheran church, using the Bible, and other doctrinal sound resources. By serving others, we give glory and praise to God by gathering for worship, doing His will, proclaiming the Gospel, using our abilities, helping those in need, and exercising the Office of the Keys. Since every church is enjoined by Christ to do mission work (Matt. 28:18-20), as the collective visible representative of the individual command, our congregation shall be affiliated with, and support to the best of its ability, the work of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod as long as the Synod adheres to the Bible along with doctrines and confessions of the Lutheran Church.